Get the coldplay concert tickets !!!
Dear Community, it has been a blast! We felt the understanding and awareness of our ground-breaking auction platform has been lacking by the general public.
As such, after much internal discussion, we’re excited to announce we’re going to kick-off a series of campaigns to raise awareness of what AUDISC is doing, what AUDISC is about, so that more people can benefit from what our project is looking to bring to everyone.
The main focus of this campaign, will be to reward our (early) supporters (that means YOU), driven by the efforts of our community.
The main social-portal tracking this rewards campaign will be via our Discord platform.
This rewards campaign will be run on a bi-weekly basis. For 3 times, every two weeks, we will start the clock counting every Sunday, and then end the Sunday two weeks later.
Each community member will be awarded points (tracked in Discord) for actions that boost the awareness, and/or content that helps to spread the word of AUDISC.
At the end of each bi-weekly session, we will do a snapshot of the points of the community in Discord. The top-ranked (or members with the most points) will be rewarded with
Ø Tokens that will be airdropped into their wallets post our future IDO
Ø The top winner will get a ColdPlay concert ticket that happens in Singapore next January 2024.
As a general rule, the points accumulations are divided into 3 categories
Ø Growing the community (via invites)
Ø Growing the awareness and content (via social-media content creation)
Ø Active participation in the social-media
Below are the initial kick-off of how we will reward each Discord community member with points.
Table 1 : Points accumulation rewards table
At the end of each two-week session (3 sessions in total), we will do a snapshot on that Sunday. The top-ranked members will win awards as per the table below.
Please note, there will be a minimum number of points that need to be accumulated for each rank. If no one reaches those minimum points for that rank, the rewards for that rank is ‘forfeit’.
Table 2 : Reward table for the community campaign
Example :
We kick off the campaign on Sunday 26/11/2023 UTC 12am.
Member Jane manages to invite 6 people, create one Medium article (approved by team member), and participated actively in Discord. She achieves the following points by 10/12/2023 UTC 12am on
Ø 6 invites : 250 points
Ø Medium article : 750 points
Ø Community participation in Discord : 300
She accumulates a total of 1,300 points. This will be snapshot by the team on 10/12/2023 UTC 12am.
*** IF *** she is ranked above 100 in the LeaderBoard points at the snapshot, she will be rewarded with 3,000 AUDISC tokens in the future IDO.
Users can check their points and ranking anytime in the Discord chat using
Ø /leadership points (to display the leaders in points)
Ø /leadership invites (to display the leaders in invites)
Note : Invite Tracker
Our Discord invite tracker is a more complete and evolved version that the standard Discord invite tracker. We implemented this to prevent spamming, and members who try to ‘game’ the system of invites.
Hence, below is detailed description of how our Discord Invite tracker works.
1. Invite Friends:
When you invite your friends to our server, kindly remind them to use your unique invite code during the registration process.
2. Check Your Invite Code:
To find your invite code, use the command “/profile” in the chat. This will display your unique code that your friends need to enter.
3. Share Your Invite Code:
Share your invite code with your friends and ask them to register using the command “/register [Your Invite Code].”
So, members, what are you waiting for? Let’s send AUDISC TO-THE-MOON!